Why we need a Machine Learning Training? Do you think before about this topic? I know everyone can have more than one reply to this. Because there are lots of technical examples and career opportunities are coming under Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. So there is no need to explain more about this. However, I just give a simple but effective example for Machine Learning. Just go through it and explore your career Machine Learning through a Machine Learning Training.
Magic Ball gripper system
Everyone is eagerly waiting to know about this Robot hand which is a technical asset for the future. The first industrial robot arm is called Unimate. There is a task is assigned after the development of this hand. ie to pick some simple breakfast items like toast, coffee, and champagne. Because of unsatisfied results, this is not in current on stage. So, to acquire technical knowledge we need Machine Learning Training.

Today’s robots are more intelligent and adaptive robots compared to previous years. But these task remains difficult for today’s machines with rigid hands.
To overcome these issues, now the robots have fingers made with soft, flexible materials like rubber. So, these robots pick up anything like grapes to boxes and empty water bottles. But still, they could not able to handle large or heavy items.
Technical Trend in AI
To overcome this issue, the researchers from MIT and Harvard University have developed a new gripper with soft and strong. So, It includes a cone-shaped origami structure to pick up items like soup cans, hammers, wine glasses etc. However, the Magic Ball gripper system can do pick-and-place tasks for a huge variety of items like wine bottles to broccoli, grapes and eggs.
In some case, Softer robotic fingers cannot pick up heavier objects.
Magic Ball gripper system can pick different shapes like con-shape, hollow etc. Mainly three parts in this gripper.
- Origami-based skeleton structure
- Airtight skin
- C
The robot can pick cylindrical shaped objects like bottles or cans. This can be a big advantage to production areas in factories. However, from these type of innovations in the field of Machine learning/ Artificial Intelligence, the growth will be going in a huge way.

As per the Google Trend analysis, we can find the growth of AI in this technical word. In 2018 China was the place where most searches for Artificial Intelligence happened on Google. China moves in AI.
Self Driving Cars

Tesla developing the full self-driving autonomous vehicle. It includes various root maps. It includes autopilot software/system views. However, now it includes an option called “full self-driving” indicating a more advanced mode suggesting complete autonomy of the car.
Google and Amazon are associated with Artificial intelligence and machine learning. Small Industries are thinking to collaborate with. I think this is applicable to small organisations also. In different ways, we can start AI in our company.
For Example:
- Intelligent Customer Service
Solutions AI for Marketing
Maybe we cannot afford data scientists or marketing specialist in our small company. So, we can use third-party tools with easy-to-use interfaces and efficient machine learning functionality. Above all, we can find technological and career growth. However, many experts say that the job opportunity in ML/AI will be higher in the upcoming years. If we want to learn any technology anyhow we need a study strategy. So, we need training or course. Machine Learning course will provide hands-on training. Livewire Thrissur provides the Best Machine Learning Classroom Training In Thrissur.